Our Approach & Performance

Sharing values with stakeholders

Samsung SDI shares the economic, environmental, and social values it created with its stakeholders. The company strives to share more values with its stake­holders through the pursuit
of balanced growth and stability. Based on such efforts, Samsung SDI is grow­ing together with its stakeholders.

이해관계자와 가치 공유에 관한 테이블 - Stakeholder, Sharing Values, Major Issues, Communication Channels
Stakeholder Sharing Values Major Issues Communication Channels
Customers Sales
6.3 trillion won
Customer Satisfaction Management Customer visit, QBR* meetings,
Website, and Focus 119
Employees Wage and Welfare Benefits
1.79 trillion won
Communication, Respect toward human rights and diversity, Welfare & Benefits,
Work-life balance,
Enhancement of employees' competence
Labor-management council, Counseling center, Management seminars, Satisfaction surveys, Culture Leader operations, Culture Leader, SDI Talk, Newsletters
Shareholders & Investors Financial Capital
89.7 billion won
Business Portfolio
Risk managemet
General meeting of shareholders, IR earnings conference call, IR earnings releases, IR road show, IR website, IR information line, frequent conferences

* QBR (Quarterly Business Review)

이해관계자와 가치 공유에 관한 테이블 - Stakeholder, Sharing Values, Major Issues, Communication
Stakeholder Sharing Values Major Issues Communication
Partners Purchase of raw and subsidiary materials
4.43 trillion won
Win-win partnership,
Establishment of a fair trading relations,
Financial support to suppliers,
Sustainable supply chain management
Operation of the purchasing portal system, Hosting of the Samsung SDI Partners (SSP) association, Operation of exchange meetings to communicate with partner companies, regular visits made by CEO and executives in charge to partners
Local Communities & NGOs Social Contribution
4 billion won
Social Contribution Support Operation of local community consultative group, Engagement in social contribution activities, Setting up sisterhood relationships
Government Agencies Corporate tax
180.9 billion won
Environment management and Response
to Climate Change,
Workplace Health & Safety System and Activities
Participation in national projects, Operation of shared cooperation programs, Exhibition of conferences and seminars
Industry Associations /
Universities / Research Institues
R&D costs
525.9 billion won
R&D investments
Reinforcement of R&D Cooperation
Activities as a member of associations and societies such as the Korean Battery Industry Association, R&D Open Innovation, Implementation of shared cooperation programs