SAMSUNG SDI respects the diversity of employees and ensures equal opportunity for all. We prohibit any type of discrimination on the grounds of gender, nationality, race, religion, and cultural background in hiring, assessment, promotion and compensation. At Samsung SDI, all employees have equal and fair access to a range of training and leadership opportunities, and we keep track of various diversity metrics, including the percentage of female managers.
SAMSUNG SDI respects the human rights of its stakeholders, including clients, business partners, and local communities. SAMSUNG SDI follows the principle of human rights management to handle relevant risks that may arise from general business activities, as suggested below. SAMSUNG SDI supports and strictly complies with human rights principles proposed by international organizations, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and local directives applied to regulations on labor relations in areas the Company runs its business worldwide. Also, SAMSUNG SDI takes on Samsung’s core values (People, Excellence, Change, Integrity, Co-prosperity) and principles that materialize the core values as its standards and follows regulations based on the SAMSUNG SDI’s Code of Conduct to advance as an innovative Company loved and respected by its clients, shareholders, employees, business partners, and local community residents.
This Human Rights Management Directive is applied to SAMSUNG SDI and its employees, subsidiaries that SAMSUNG SDI holds more than half of their shares and its employees, and all business partners with whom SAMSUNG SDI concludes a contract.
SAMSUNG SDI manages and monitors the status of human rights management through the Sustainability Committee under the Board of Directors, top management meetings joined by the CEO and decision makers of major divisions, and working level meetings held by groups relevant to human rights management. The Sustainability Committee, the top management, and working-level meetings review and report, deliberate, and approve Revision & Amendment of the Human Rights Directive and Relevant Regulations, Risks Assessment and Responses to Results, Human Rights Violation Case Studies and Remedies, and items considered necessary for human rights protection.
1) Human Rights Risk Management System
* While complying with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights on Respect, Protect, and Remedy, SAMSUNG SDI identifies and manages human rights risks that may arise from the overall Value Chain, including SAMSUNG SDI, its subsidiaries, and business partners.
① Identify and Evaluate Human Rights Risks
② Mitigate and Improve Risks
2) Grievance Procedures
* SAMSUNG SDI runs On/Offline grievance channels to always listen to stakeholders’. When a case of human rights violations is reported, the Company reviews remedies after checking what has happened through investigations, then reports the results of applied measures to the reporter.
SAMSUNG SDI takes a thorough approach to finding the best solution for every case of human rights violations. Our efforts include analyzing relevant judicial precedents, regulations from competent authorities, past internal processing practices, and seeking opinions from our legal team and external labor law firms.
If a human rights violation case has a significant impact on the victim's freedom and rights or risks seriously damaging the company's reputation, the case is reviewed by committees consisting of top decision-makers and others, business management meetings, or working-level meetings to discuss potential remedies.
3) Human Rights Policy Training and Announcement
* SAMSUNG SDI runs training programs relevant to human rights management to improve employees’ understanding and recognition of human rights and complies with the Human Rights Principles. The Company encourages active reports of human rights abuse cases and risks and aims to spread a culture of respect for human rights. SAMSUNG SDI releases human rights violation cases, human rights risk review results, and measures taken to improve and address risks as a part of the Company’s human rights management activities on its sustainability report, homepage, or others to communicate human rights activities with employees and other stakeholders.
No Discrimination
Humanitarian Treatment
Compliance with Working Hours and Minimum Wage Guarantee
No Child Labor
No Forced Labor
Protection of Vulnerable Workers
Personal Information Protection
Guarantee of the Freedom to Organize and Collective Bargaining
Local Community Human Rights Protection
Guarantee of Safety and Health
Responsible Sourcing
Pursuant to the Act on the Promotion of Workers’ Participation and Cooperation, SAMSUNG SDI is operating ‘Works Council’ which convenes at least once every quarter. The Council makes decisions on the agenda items which span grievances and HR system improvements in addition to issues related to working conditions.
At SAMSUNG SDI, our ‘Employee Code of Conduct’ stipulates that we respect the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, and the right to collective action and Labor Unions’ are up and running in domestic and overseas operations.
To facilitate communication between top management and employees, our key executive members host ‘Open Talk’ as our town hall meeting. In addition, weekly lunch discussions serve to collect and respond to varying employee feedback, and our monthly department head meetings provide an opportunity to communicate SAMSUNG SDI’s management and institutional operation and share the information with respective department members.