Compliance Program
Recognizing ethical management being essential part of sustainability management, SAMSUNG SDI pledges to further bolster our compliance system and operate and promote relevant activities via Compliance Team’s initiative, for sustainable growth as a true super-class global company.
Compliance Program indicates an ongoing, integrated system and activity, aimed at protecting the company and its employees, and preventing and minimizing legal risks by enforcing its employees to comply with laws and regulations when performing tasks. That is to say, it is the most important measure in enforcing compliance.
Compliance Process
CEO’s Message
SAMSUNG SDI reiterates the importance of ardent participation in fair competition and compliance for the greater leap and sustainable growth of the company.
Compliance is an integral cog in business management and it is one that can stand when all the members are united in understanding its importance and act accordingly. The tiniest mistake and mishap can lead to destroy the trust and achievements we have worked so hard and long to build as we are treading on a market without yellow cards that yield a second chance. Players who won the victory by violation and foul play are bound to be kicked out of the field. Compliance, conformance to a law and rule of the field, is a requirement for winning in such market, on top of being Samsung’s core principle. Fair competition will lead us to just and well-deserved victory. Let’s be true winners together. Thank you.
Operation Standards
Compliance Control Regulations are the supreme regulations of compliance and prescribes basic procedures and other relevant matters regarding SAMSUNG SDI's Compliance Program.
Compliance Operating Rules regulate the duties of the Chief Compliance Officer as well as the specific procedures and policies that SDI's employees should abide by in order to comply with the Compliance Control Regulations. Code of Conduct provides guidelines and standards that employees must conform to in order to comply with the Compliance Control Regulations and the Compliance Operating Rules. Guidelines provide commentaries on 6 SAMSUNG SDI business-related laws (fair competition, related-party transactions, trade secret, anti-corruption, privacy, and subcontract) and checklists for each relevant business practice area.
Compliance System
SAMSUNG SDI runs a comprehensive compliance system to support its compliance activities.
- Compliance System, an internal portal, enables to heighten understanding of the compliance system within SAMSUNG SDI community and perform self-checks.
- In addition, Compliance System is available anytime for advice intended to proactively prevent legal risks that may arise at work.
- Furthermore, the Compliance System regularly updates with the legal trend at home and abroad and other information to help the employees enhance legal literacy.
Compliance Program is a key to protect the company and its employees. SAMSUNG SDI will lead the way to global compliance management with its unshakable commitment to the implementation of compliance in its daily operation.
- DEC Special Training on Delivery Price Indexation System for Vendors
- DEC Special Training on the Act on the Promotion of Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Between Large Enterprises and SMEs
- NOV Special Training on Cartel Prevention
- SEP ~ OCT Special Training on the Personal Information Protection Act
- SEP Special Training on Anti-Corruption Law
- SEP Special Training on Employment and Labor Laws
- SEP Compliance Training for Overseas Affiliate Entities (SDIW, SDIC, SDIPB)
- SEP Special Training on the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act
- AUG Special Training on Trade Secrets
- JUL Special Training on Safety & Environmental Matters
- JUL Special Training on Intra-Group Transactions
- JUN Online Compliance Training for All Employees
- MAY ~ JUN Special Training on Compliance Matters for Vendors
- APR Training for Team Compliance Managers
- MAR, AUG Training for Compliance Managers
- MAR, AUG Special Training on the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act and the Act on the Promotion of Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Between Large Enterprises and SMEs
- FEB ~ MAR, MAY ~ JUL Compliance Training for Expatriate Employees
- JAN ~ DEC Special Training on Technical Data Requirement under the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act.
- DEC Special Training for Exhibition Attendees
- DEC Special Training for Purchasing Compliance Specialist (Subcontract)
- NOV Special Training on Personal Information Protection Act
- SEP Held anti-corruption Law Invitational Special Training
- SEP Special Training on Subcontract
- SEP / NOV Compliance Training for Overseas Corporations (SDIA, SDIHU, SDIEM)
- AUG Special Training for the person in charge of internal transactions
- JUL Special Training on Cartel Prevention
- JUL / OCT Special Training for Vendors
- JUL ~ AUG Online Lectures for All-personnel of SDI
- JUN Special Training on Safety & Environment
- MAY ~ JUN Special Training on Subcontract
- APR ~ OCT Technical Data Requirement System User Training
- APR / AUG Special Training on Trade Secrets
- APR / AUG Special Training for Team Compliance Managers
- MAR / AUG Compliance Training for Team Managers
- MAR ~ AUG Compliance Training for Expatriate Candidates
- JAN ~ DEC Compliance Training for New/Career employees
- DEC Special training for exhibition attendees
- DEC Special training on Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
- DEC Special training on Personal Information Protection Act
- NOV Special training on subcontract
- SEP Online seminar for all-personnel of SDI
- AUG Special training for vendors
- JUN Invitational special training on anti-corruption law
- APR / NOV Special training on trade secrets
- APR / AUG Compliance training for expatriate candidates
- APR Special training on subcontract
- MAR / SEP Special training on prevention of cartel
- MAR / AUG Special training for the person in charge of related-party transactions
- MAR / Aug Compliance training for managers
- FEB / Mar Technical Data Requirement System User Training
- JAN ~ DEC Training on compliance management for all employees
- NOV Special training on Subcontract
- NOV Training on Personal Information Protection Act
- NOV Compliance training for suppliers and vendors
- NOV Special training on Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
- SEP Online seminar for all-personnel of SDI
- SEP 2H Compliance training for Managers
- AUG Special training on Agency law
- JUL Training on Compliance for transferred employees
- MAY / SEP Special training on prevention of cartel (collusion)
- APR 1H Compliance training for Managers
- MAR Special training on external donations
- FEB Held anti-corruption law Invitational Education
- JAN / SEP Special training on Trade Secrets
- NOV Training on Personal Information Protection Act
- OCT Special training on trade secrets
- SEP ~ NOV Compliance training for overseas subsidiaries
- SEP 2H Compliance training for Compliance Managers
- SEP Online seminar for all-personnel of SDI
- AUG ~ OCT Special training on prevention of cartel
- MAY Special training on trade secrets
- MAY Special training on prevention of cartel
- APR Special training on subcontract
- MAR 1H Compliance training for Compliance Managers
- JAN Special training on trade secrets for transferred employees
- NOV Training on Personal Information Protection Act
- NOV Special training on trade secrets and cartel
- OCT Compliance training for expatriates and local employees in Europe Subsidiary Network
- AUG Training for Sales Subsidiary Network
- JUL Compliance training for overseas subsidiaries
- MAY Compliance training for suppliers and vendors
- APR Special training on trade secrets
- MAR Compliance training for Compliance Managers
- FEB Online seminar for all-personnel of SDI
- JAN Intensive Training on Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
- NOV Training on Personal Information Protection Act
- OCT Special training on Subcontract
- AUG Compliance training for expatriate candidates
- JUN Offline seminar for all-personnel of SDI
- MAY Special training on Guide-line of Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
- MAY Compliance training for suppliers and vendors
- APR Compliance training for Compliance Managers
- JAN Compliance training for overseas subsidiaries
- NOV Quiz Event on Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
- SEP Special training on Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
- AUG Special training on trade secrets for overseas subsidiaries
- JUL Special invitational seminar on subcontract practice
- JUN Compliance training for suppliers and vendors
- MAY Compliance training for expatriate candidates
- APR Environmental management training for suppliers and vendors
- FEB Compliance training for compliance managers
- NOV Annual SAMSUNG SDI Compliance Conference
- AUG Offline seminar for all-personnel of SDI
- JUL Foundation Day Award for Compliance Excellence
- MAY Compliance training for SDI’s Suppliers
- APR Compliance training for overseas subsidiaries
- FEB Compliance training for compliance managers
- NOV Annual SAMSUNG SDI Compliance Conference
- OCT Special training on prevention of cartel business
- AUG Field audit of overseas subsidiaries
- JUL Training in Personal Information Protection Act
- JUL <Compliance Guide with Case Studies> online course opened
- JUN Compliance training for Samsung Partners
- MAY SAMSUNG SDI Compliance Academy
- MAR Training for Subcontract Proficiency Certification
- NOV Annual SAMSUNG SDI Compliance Conference
- OCT Invitational seminar on cartel business
- SEP Invitational seminar on subcontract & training on trade secrets
- JUL Compliance status review on Personal Information Protection Act
- JUL Establishment of Corruption Prevention Guideline
- JUN SAMSUNG SDI Compliance Academy
- MAY Conduct Compliance Together’ online course opened
- MAY Annual Compliance Conference in China
- APR Compliance training for Samsung Partners
- MAR Annual Compliance Conference in USA
- NOV Honored with Best Practice Award at Samsung Compliance Conference
- OCT Field audit of overseas subsidiaries
- OCT Implementation of English and Chinese versions in Compliance System
- JUL <SAMSUNG SDI Compliance Program II> online course opened
- JUN Annual SAMSUNG SDI Compliance Academy
- MAY Annual Compliance Conference in China
- APR Invitational seminar on international cartel by Korea Fair Trade Commission
- MAR Appointment of compliance officer by the Board of Directors
- MAR Declaration of CEO's willingness on compliance (via CEO message)
- DEC Training in Personal Information Protection Act in each business site
- SEP Field audit of overseas subsidiaries
- AUG Training in anti-corruption law
- JUN Annual SAMSUNG SDI Compliance Program - online course opened
- MAR Introduction of Compliance Program (for CEOs of Samsung Partners)
- MAR Expansion of compliance organization (established 'Compliance Team')
- MAR Submission of Annual Compliance Pledge
- FEB Training on compliance program for new entry-level recruits
- DEC The Board of Directors and the Management Committee’s approval of Compliance Monitoring Management Rule, Code of Conduct, and Fair Trade Compliance Regulation
- OCT Compliance System online
- SEP The Board of Directors’ approval of Compliance Policy
- MAY Compliance declaration ceremony (in tandem with the 40th company anniversary ceremony)
- JAN CEO's special seminar on compliance program