

Resource Circulation

Key Performance

Key Performance
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Use of recycled metals % 3 8 12
Waste reuse % 92.0 93.0 94.7
Water reuse % 22.7 23.0 30.9

Expanding battery recycling

SAMSUNG SDI partners with governments and specialists to actively explore ways to recycle and reuse such batteries to eventually minimize the environmental impact generated from end-of-life batteries from the battery lifecycle viewpoint.

<SAMSUNG SDI’s Resource Recovery Process>
SAMSUNG SDI’s Resource Recovery Process SAMSUNG SDI’s Resource Recovery Process

Minimizing waste landfill

To minimize the waste generated from our manufacturing, we take the waste-to-resource approach in improving our recycling throughout the phases of R&D, process, and production.

Reducing water consumption

SAMSUNG SDI strives to reduce the water use of our worksites by cutting down on the water consumption and increasing the reuse.

Water Resources Management

We endeavor to reduce our water consumption and manage water quality at an appropriate level. To minimize the amount of chemicals used to operate manufacturing facilities, we have altered our process method to curb the use of such harmful chemicals as hydrochloric acid and caustic soda and mitigate the generation of effluents accordingly. To preserve our aquatic ecosystem, we have raised the bar in operating and managing our effluent treatment facilities to minimize the discharge of water pollutants.

Minimizing the Use of Single-Use Items

As a socially responsible corporate, SAMSUNG SDI is an ardent participant in environment protection and resource reuse by minimizing the use of plastics and disposables. Minimizing the use of Disposable products and plastic containers, which began in 2022, is being expanded to all domestic and foreign workplaces, and disposable cups used by in-house stores are being sequentially converted into multi-use cups at all domestic workplaces.